今年剛出爐的US News and World Report 所評估出的Gold Medal top 100 list,灣區的幾所明星高中幾乎都榜上有名,對於我們學區的Lynbrook High School 重回Top 100 是件可喜可賀的大事,雖然是吊車尾第98名,表現已經很不錯了,總比前兩年摔出200名外要好太多,值得鼓勵嘉獎一番。
From US News and World Report:
We looked at more than 21,000 public high schools in 48 states and the District of Columbia. The following are the 100 schools that performed the best in our three-step America’s Best High Schools ranking analysis.
28 Lowell High School San Francisco,
36 Mission San Jose High School Fremont,
67 Henry M. Gunn High School Palo Alto,
70 Monta Vista High School Cupertino,
83 Palo Alto High School Palo Alto,
93 Saratoga High School Saratoga,
98 Lynbrook High School San Jose,